Latest Update:2024/05/24 09:30:28


Researcher Name
Div (Section) name/title
Earth System Division(Earth System Risk Analysis Section)/Senior Researcher
Research Subject
Analyzing the uncertainty of climate change projections; Understanding the atmosphere-ocean interaction in climate change
Professional Qualification(s)
Environmental Speciality Field
global warming,atmosphere-ocean interaction,climate variability
2013 March Graduated (M.S.), Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Kyushu University
2013 April JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC1), Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute (AORI), The University of Tokyo
2016 March Graduated (Ph.D.), Department of Earth and Planetary Science, The University of Tokyo
2016 April Post-doc Researcher, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute (AORI), The University of Tokyo
2016 August Post-doc Fellow, SOEST Atmospheric Sciences, University of Hawai'i at Manoa
2018 April JSPS Overseas Research Fellow, SOEST Atmospheric Sciences, University of Hawai'i at Manoa
2020 April Research Associate, Climate Risk Assessment Section, Center for Global Environmental Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies
2021 April Research Associate, Earth System Risk Analysis Section, Earth System Division, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Membership of Academic Society
Meteorological Society of Japan,The Oceanographic Society of Japan,Japan Geoscience Union
Research Subject
  • Fiscal Year: 2023
    • 26406 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 26411 : Improving the simulation of climate and air quality using the latest emissions of GHG and SLCF
    • 26436 : Research on Advancement of Climate Change Impact Assessment Methodology
    • 26438 : Simultaneous achievement of global decarbonization and sustainability
    • 26439 : Quantification of National Decarbonization and Sustainable Society Scenarios
    • 26512 : Topdown approach to constrain the uncertainty of climate change projection and collaborations with impact and adaptation studies
    • 26513 : Ensemble simulations for the climate change risk assessment in cities
    • 26683 : Understanding global warming levels and reducing uncertainty related to climate projection
    • 26736 : Intellectual research infrastructure development:Systematic monitoring, development of information on impact prediction and adaptation, and development of tools in the field of climate change adaptation
    • 26737 : Research for understanding and improving systematic biases of tropical cloud and precipitation processes and El Nino-Southern Oscillation in climate models
  • Fiscal Year: 2022
    • 25967 : Improving the simulation of climate and air quality using the latest emissions of GHG and SLCF
    • 25984 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 25985 : Simultaneous achievement of global decarbonization and sustainability
    • 25986 : Quantification of National Decarbonization and Sustainable Society Scenarios
    • 26002 : Research on Advancement of Climate Change Impact Assessment Methodology
    • 26127 : Topdown approach to constrain the uncertainty of climate change projection and collaborations with impact and adaptation studies
    • 26147 : Understanding global warming levels and reducing uncertainty related to climate projection
    • 26272 : Research for understanding and improving systematic biases of tropical cloud and precipitation processes and El Nino-Southern Oscillation in climate models
    • 26293 : Intellectual research infrastructure development:Systematic monitoring, development of information on impact prediction and adaptation, and development of tools in the field of climate change adaptation
  • Fiscal Year: 2021
    • 25504 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 25508 : Improving the simulation of climate and air quality using the latest emissions of GHG and SLCF
    • 25532 : Simultaneous achievement of global decarbonization and sustainability
    • 25533 : Quantification of National Decarbonization and Sustainable Society Scenarios
    • 25536 : Research on Advancement of Climate Change Impact Assessment Methodology
    • 25674 : Intellectual research infrastructure development:Systematic monitoring, development of information on impact prediction and adaptation, and development of tools in the field of climate change adaptation
    • 25727 : Understanding and reducing uncertainty related to climate sensitivity
  • Fiscal Year: 2020
    • 25316 : Understanding and reducing uncertainty related to climate sensitivity
Research Result (Publication)
  • all
  • Original Paper
  • Review
  • Book
  • Other Publications
  • Presenter : Ren H.-L., Lian T., Hayashi M., Xie R., Zhang W.
Research Result (Presentation)
  • all
  • Research Presentation
  • Presenter : Hayashi M.
    Name of Society : International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) 2023 (2023)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Presentation
    Tropical Intraseasonal Variability in a Moist Linear Baroclinic Model
    Presenter : Hayashi M., Jin F.-F.
    Name of Society : SENTAN-Foresight Workshop on Tropical Climate Variability (2023)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Presentation
    ENSO Feedback Biases Common to the Coupled and Uncoupled Climate Model Simulations of CMIP6
    Presenter : Hayashi M.
    Name of Society : Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) Meeting 2023 (2023)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Presentation
    Detecting the Climate Change Impacts on Extreme Ocean Warming Events Observed around Japan for 1982-2022
    Presenter : Hayashi M., Shiogama H., Ogura T.
    Name of Society : Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) Meeting 2023 (2023)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Presentation
    CMIP6-Based Future Climate Projections Selected for Impact and Adaptation Studies in Japan
    Presenter : Hayashi M., Shiogama H.
    Name of Society : 1st Joint Workshop on the A3 Foresight Program: Networking Climate Change Hubs for Promoting Future Earth Over Northeast Asia (2023)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Hayashi M., Shiogama H., Ogura T.
    Name of Society : EGU General Assembly 2023 (2023)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Presentation
    ENSO feedback bias common to coupled and uncoupled climate models
    Presenter : Hayashi M.
    Name of Society : Yonsei Univ - Univ of Tokyo - POSTECH Joint Workshop on climate variability and changes (2023)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Presentation
    Detecting the impacts of anthropogenic greenhouse gas and aerosol forcings on ENSO
    Presenter : Hayashi M., Shiogama H., Ogura T., Tatebe H., Stuecker M.F.
    Name of Society : The International Workshop on Communications on Future Changes of Extreme Weather with Reduced Uncertainty Based on Physical Understandings (2023)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Presentation
    Impact of Arctic-Siberian Warming on East Asian Heatwaves
    Presenter : Kim J.-H., Kim S.-J., Kim J.-H., Hayashi M., Kim M.-K.
    Name of Society : AGU Fall Meeting 2022 (2022)
    Name of Proceedings : なし
  • Presenter : Hayashi M., Shiogama H., Emori S., Ogura T., Hirota N.
    Name of Society : EGU General Assembly 2021 (2021)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts